InCf Magazine
Editor in chief of the first issue.
In collaboration with
Nicola Patruno e Nicola Turrini
Link to Incf Website

For this launch issue we involved two editors at large, Nicola Patruno and Nicola Turrini. With them we chose to tackle the theme of Recording-Based Media, that is all those technical devices that have the capacity to fix a visual and/or acoustic phenomenon on a specific surface and, consequently, to reproduce it in a potentially infinite way.

Incf Magazine
InCf is an independent bilingual magazine. Each issue is entrusted to a different editor in chief who proposes the theme and with whom the editorial staff defines the editorial line and develops the content. For this first issue, I was called to be the new editor.

Following a short selection of images from the series "The unchanged world", made with Nicola Patrunofor the first issue.
«There are many events of our time that are far less novel than they may appear at first glance». So writes Ernst Jünger in his introduction to ‘The transformed world. A syllabary for images of our time’, a visionary mapping - through images - of the period between the two world wars, first published in 1933. Almost a century after its publication, the project ‘The unchanged world’ is set up as a process of alteration and misalignment of the visual constellations that represent the original, in an attempt to engage with the alleged constant change of the world and its representation.

Next you will find a short selection of images from the series "Errors - The Fertility of the Chance", commissioned by Incf Magazine.
In the essay ‘Fautographie, petite histoire de l'erreur photographique’ (Yellow Now, 2003), Clément Chéroux reflects on the importance of error in photographic production as a constant indicator of new experimental paths capable of establishing new languages.
Reading it, allowed me to implement a photographic experiment that could examine the error in photography as a language-generating tool.